ITS Australia commends the Federal Government and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, regional Development, Communications and the Arts, in undertaking this important work to better understand the impacts and opportunities connected and automated vehicles offers and is strongly supportive of adopting the action plan outlined and the related strategy consultation being undertaken.
With more than 1,200 people dying and over 30,000 people being seriously injured each year on Australia’s roads, the only long-term goal we can have is for zero fatal and serious injuries. To that end, we believe connected and cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems are some of the key safety initiatives to achieving that ambitious goal. Connected and automated vehicles and related transport technologies could address some of the key priorities by improving safety for road users, heavy vehicles, regional road users and vulnerable road users.
The safety of our citizens is paramount and driver assistance technologies are clearly saving lives on our roads now. Emerging and future technologies will provide enhanced in-vehicle and network safety and efficiency; however the deployment of these technologies needs government consideration and oversight. Industry is keen to work with government to best deliver these life-saving technologies, and ITS Australia is well placed to facilitate these discussions and activities.
ITS Australia notes there a number of other government public consultations currently open for comment that both directly and indirectly have potential impacts on the deployments of these life saving technologies and we will be providing submissions on them with particular focus on the Telecommunications Legislation and Connected Vehicles discussion paper.