He qualified with a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering from Swinburne Institute of Technology (Victoria), later adding a Post Graduate Diploma in Management.
Working with numerous teams and partners, Mr Blake has contributed to a wide range of projects, initiatives, management groups and committees. In addition, he has shared this knowledge by presenting at various ITS World Congresses, summits, and workshops.
His input to the introduction of new legislation in South Australia to create a framework for on-road autonomous vehicle trials, testing and development, cannot be understated.
The Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill 2016 saw South Australia become the first jurisdiction anywhere to legislate trials for driverless vehicles, with it paving the way for similar pilots around Australia and the world.
Today, every State and Territory in Australia has a driverless vehicle trial, and globally there are more than 100 driverless vehicle trials that have either been concluded or are being conducted.
The SA initiative won both the industry’s Government Award and the Automotive Vehicle Award in 2016, with Mr Blake accepting the award on behalf of the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).
In addition to his role with DPTI, Mr Blake was Chair of the South Australian branch of the Transport Australia Society, and was the Engineers Australia Chair, Transport Branch. He is the current Secretary of the South Australia Chapter of the Australasian College of Road Safety and was Director of ITS Australia from 2008 to 2012.