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  • ITS news
  • ITS Australia Members Announced as Winners in 5G Innovation Initiative

26 August 2021

ITS Australia Members Announced as Winners in 5G Innovation Initiative

ITS Australia


Exciting news for our industry with a range of organisations granted funds for 5G applications including our own HMI and Nokia...


Enhanced Mobility for Disabled and Elderly using Automated Vehicles

This project will demonstrate 5G applications that enable safe, efficient and reliable operation of Automated Shuttle Vehicles (ASVs), in order to provide enhanced mobility for disabled and elderly passengers.
ASVs can provide an effective solution to a key missing link in current public transport ecosystems – first and last kilometre travel. This project will demonstrate that high-speed, low-latency communications are essential to achieve the full potential of ASVs, comparing 4G and 5G operations to demonstrate 5G’s superior performance.



5G Connected Cobots (Collaborative Robots)

This project aims to demonstrate how 5G can be used to offload both sensor data and intensive processing from the cobot to a powerful edge cloud compute platform capable of processing this data and based upon this, instruct the cobot how to interact with its surroundings including nearby humans in real-time. The project will explore the feasibility of this process and aims to develop key learnings applicable to 5G-based remote control of cobots and autonomous entities such as cars, robots, and drones.



South Australia National 5G Industrial Incubation Lab

Nokia and the South Australian Government are proposing a ‘National 5G Industrial Incubation Lab’ to be established in Adelaide to deliver three key user cases covering:

  • Rail Safety in Rail corridor via camera and scene analytics using big data,
  • Airport situational awareness for securing public safety using HoloLens and video cameras, and
  • power over voltage management in a power network via distributed edge compute via 5G connectivity.

These 5G user cases will be supported by partner eco systems from Adelaide Airport, South Australian Power Network and Department for Infrastructure and Transport. This includes utilisation of local expertise from The Australian Institute for Machine Learning (University of Adelaide).


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