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24 Oct. 2023

Perth ITS Business Networking Event 2023

Main Roads Road Network Operations Centre (RNOC)

Road Network Operations Centre, 2 Victoria Avenue, Perth WA, Australia


Tues. 24 October 2023
5:15pm (for a 5:30pm start) — 7:30pm

Main Roads Road Network Operations Centre (RNOC)
Level 2, 2 Victoria Ave, Perth WA 6000

Main Roads is in a period of immense transition and technological change as we increasingly embrace technology in every aspect of what Main Roads do, and what they offer their customers.

The Main Roads Intelligent Transport Systems Master Plan and Roadmap 2022-30 reveals another major uplift in this area and aims to strengthen leadership, enhance skills and work methods, and re-emphasise Main Roads focus on how technology and data will continue to bring positive changes in how we transport people and goods throughout Western Australia.

Main Roads is also implementing a number of ITS initiatives including their 2nd Smart Freeway, which is currently under construction, and mitigating the impact on commuters during an 18-month shut down of the Armadale train line to facilitate a significant number of level crossing removals. For the first time on this scale in WA, an overall ITS system approach is at the core of an impact mitigation strategy which will provide “business as usual” legacy in Western Australia in utilising world class Network Operations techniques enabled through ITS.

We invite you to join us at for the Perth ITS Business Networking Event in October, where you will have the opportunity to learn about how Main Roads, in collaboration with stakeholders, is bringing its ITS Master Plan to life and the latest developments within WA's transport industry firsthand.

THIS EVENT IS FREE TO ATTEND - places are limited

Open to ITS and aligned industry professionals, members and non-members welcome. (Not open to the public)

  • Snap-shot industry update presentations
  • Networking refreshments


Peter Woronzow Director General Transport / Main Roads WA
John Erceg Managing Director / Main Roads Western Australia
Tony Earl Executive Director, Network Operations / Main Roads Western Australia
Helen Ginbey Manager Travel Behaviour Change, Urban Mobility / Department of Transport Western Australia
Mehdi Langroudi Executive Director of Network Operations / Main Roads Western Australia
Daniel Hoyne Head of Solution Consulting / Kapsch TrafficCom Australia


Main Roads Western Australia

About the venue

Main Roads Road Network Operations Centre (RNOC)

Congested roads affect travel time, which impacts on the state’s economy and the wellbeing of Western Australians. The avoidable cost of Perth’s congestion in 2018 was estimated to be $1.6 billion. The Road Network Operations Centre (RNOC) is a purpose- built, world-class facility designed to help manage this congestion, optimise road network safety and performance.

The facility delivers situational awareness and a common operating picture, to enable rapid, effective and data-supported decisions in a real-time environment. It facilitates collaboration with critical first responders to manage operations, emergency incidents and events. With a focus on the customer journey, the RNOC incorporates technological capabilities required to address the current and future road network management needs; which will include operating Western Australia’s first Smart Freeway in 2020.

Main Roads Road Network Operations Centre (RNOC)
Level 2, 2 Victoria Ave, Perth WA 6000


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